How to Use LED Grow Lighting?

Imagine the possibility of growing plants year-round and being able maximize your plant’s potential. Although it sounds unbelievable, LED (light-emitting devices) grow lights can do exactly what you want. Many people think that growing plants under light is expensive and not suitable for distribution. The truth is that it’s far from the truth. Mars Hydro is a company that offers a an economically viable LED grow lights for indoor gardening. They offer lighting solutions to grow medicines and food and also effective components and innovative designs.

When used long-term, the new LED grow lights can save hundreds of hours. However, anyone can set up lights to grow indoor plants with basic knowledge.

Spectrums of Light

Let’s first discuss the various spectrums of light before we get into our options. This is something you can ultimately control to ensure that your plant grows. But, each plant responds differently to different colors of light. Even though the plants may be closely related. Although there is a lot of information available, scientists have found that plants only require two-color light. Both red and blue.

The UV spectrums of ultraviolet light, red, green, and blue are all absorbed by green plants. However, yellow and green are not necessary. While some plants might benefit from yellow and green light, most plants prefer the red and blue spectrums. You should choose from a variety of LEDs to grow plants, including UV LEDs, red LEDs and a blue LED.

Incandescent Lights

The most expensive option is the incandescent light. These lights are common in the home, but they should be at least 24 inches away from your plants.

These lights turn out to be the most powerful. These light bulbs are extremely powerful and consume energy very quickly, making them expensive and inefficient.

However, this is a bright side because foliage-type plants are the ones that benefit most from the light.

Fluorescent lights

Fluorescent lights have similar annual costs to LEDs, but they are slightly more expensive.

They are more durable than incandescent bulbs, and they don’t heat as quickly.

Fluorescent lights are often used outdoors in garages and buildings. Fluorescent lights are easy to install, produce full-spectrum lighting and are blue in color.

How well do Led Grow Lights work?

Indoor garden professionals are increasingly noticing LED grow lights. They offer the most recent technology, so it’s not surprising. They offer a customizable light spectrum, low heat and low energy consumption, making them the best choice for home gardeners.

The competition has a far shorter lifespan than LEDs. LEDs can last for up to 50,000 hours. This is how LEDs compare to the current competition.

  • Average Incandescent Lights last between 750 and 2,000 hours
  • The typical Halogen lasts between 2,000 and 4,000 hours.
  • CFL Lights typically last between 5,000 and 8,000 hours.

How far should led grow lights be from plants?

LED grow lights are relatively new. This can cause confusion for garden scientists who don’t know the basics.

We can however simplify equations and light sciences into measurements that we understand.


Because seedlings can be fragile, LED grow lights should be mounted between 24-36 inches and the plant’s canopy. This is dependent on the wattage of your light source. Your LED grow lights should be placed at least one meter from your seedlings to prevent them from drying out.


In two to three weeks, roots will be established and sprouting can begin. The LED grow lights should be placed 12-24 inches from the top of the plant during the vegetative stage. The vegetative stage requires more light for photosynthesis.


Finally, the plant’s need for light will decrease once it reaches its flowering stage. To produce flowers, the top leaves should be 18-24 inches away from the light source.